Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML 

You will learn how to:

  • Produce detailed object models and designs from system requirements
  • Exploit the rich modeling concepts provided by Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Analyze and document software designs using the Unified Process
  • Identify use cases and expand into full behavioral designs
  • Apply proven design patterns to refine analysis and design models
  • Construct testable and adaptable designs

Live Demo
Through live, instructor-led demonstrations, you observe the application of various tools to a full analysis, design and implementation. Demonstrations include:

  • Employing OO CASE tools
  • Maintaining consistency between UML models and production code

Course Benefits
Object oriented analysis and design is the principal industry-proven method for developing reliable, modular, testable programs and systems. Consistent use of OO techniques leads to shorter development life cycles, increased productivity and reduced system maintenance costs.

This course provides practical skills in the latest OO analysis and design methods. Through workshops, you develop real designs for use with OO and traditional programming languages.

Who Should Attend
This course is valuable for those who need to take full advantage of the benefits of OO software development. Familiarity with basic object oriented principles is assumed. Experience with an OO programming language is also helpful.

Course Workshops
You work in small teams on OO analysis and design projects drawn from business and engineering systems. You apply modeling techniques in steps from analysis through design using UML. Workshops include:

  • Identifying and refining use cases
  • Producing object models: classes, associations and attributes
  • Extracting reusable components
  • Expanding sequence models to produce object state machines
  • Applying design patterns to achieve platform independence



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