C# Programming (Hands-On)

You will learn how to: 

  • Create, compile and run C# programs using Visual Studio .NET
  • Write and understand C# language constructs, syntax and classes
  • Leverage the architecture and namespaces of the .NET framework library
  • Manage the Common Language Runtime (CLR) to integrate C# with VB and C++
  • Develop .NET components in C# for desktop and distributed multitier applications

Hands-On Training
Hands-on experience in creating your own C# applications is provided throughout this course. Exercises include:

  • Writing and compiling C# programs using Visual Studio .NET
  • Building C# classes and inheritance hierarchies
  • Writing desktop and Web applications with WinForms and Web Forms
  • Constructing and deploying custom .NET components
  • Implementing business logic in distributed Web services
  • Accelerating development with the .NET framework library

Course Benefits
For optimum productivity, programmers need languages that combine ease of use with high performance. C# (pronounced "C Sharp"), a core component of Microsoft's .NET environment, incorporates the best of C, VB, C++ and Java. It extends the capabilities of these predecessors through object-oriented (OO) and component capabilities that are built directly into the language structure.

In this course, you gain the skills needed to exploit the C# language and the .NET framework to develop C# programs that are useful for a broad range of desktop and Web applications. You gain a thorough understanding of the C# language.

Who Should Attend
This course is valuable for developers and engineers who are interested in programming with C#. Experience with a modern procedural programming language (e.g., Visual Basic or C) is assumed. Experience with C++ or Java is helpful but not required.



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