- Rapidly develop Web applications using ASP.NET and Web Forms
- Implement Web-based navigation models
- Build browser-independent user interfaces with Visual Studio .NET and Web Forms
- Ensure data integrity with Validator controls
- Implement reusable code by creating your own Web Form controls
- Create applications that manage state through the transaction
- Bind data-aware controls to any data source
- Deploy Web applications as a .NET assembly
- Creating and configuring Web sites with Visual Studio .NET
- Building stateful applications
- Implementing the navigation structure for a Web application
- Populating your Web page with Web Form controls
- Integrating code using ASP.NET events
- Displaying and updating data
- Adding error handling to create robust applications
- Exploiting the DataList and DataGrid controls
- Validating data with ASP.NET controls
- Incorporating third-party components and Web services
- Deploying ASP.NET applications
Course Benefits
ASP.NET is a platform for creating high-performance, high-productivity Web-based applications, using server-side code in any .NET-compatible language. Web Forms are ASP.NET components that enable developers to rapidly create applications with rich user interfaces.
In this hands-on course, you learn to use the Visual Studio .NET environment to rapidly create ASP.NET applications. You gain practical experience using Web Forms to create data-bound applications with rich user interfaces using Visual Basic .NET or C#.
This course is valuable for anyone beginning to develop Web-based applications or considering using ASP.NET. Some experience with HTML and a programming language is assumed.
This course helps you prepare for Microsoft professional certification exam(s).