1880 U.S. Census Summary - Most Prevalent Given Names

Exactly 2436 different given names were listed for Fitzpatricks in the 1880 census. Many of these include abbreviations and misspellings of common names. Some of the most prevalent given names are shown below.

Given Name / Variations Number Percent
Mary, Marry 1588 10.77
John, Jono, Jno, Johney, Johnn, etc. 1244 8.44
James, Jam, Jas 777 5.27
Catherine, Catharine, Kate, Katie, Katherine, Cathern, etc. 703 4.77
Ann, Annie, Anna, Anny 588 3.99
Thomas, Thom, Thos, Tom 568 3.85
William, Wm, Will, Willie 546 3.70
Margaret, Magaret, Margret, Maggie, Magie, Mag, Margt, Margrt 432 2.93
Elizabeth, Elizobeth, Eliza, Elisa, Elizbeth, Elizth, Lizzie 414 2.81
Michael, Micheal, Mical, Mich, Michal, Mike, Michl, etc. 342 2.32
Patrick, Pat, Paterick, Patk, Patric, Patrk, etc. 332 2.25
Ellen, Elen, Ellin, Ellon, Ellie 303 2.06
Edward, Edwd, Edw, Ed 245 1.66
Bridget, Bridgett, Briget, Brid, Bridet, Bridft, Bridg 231 1.57
Joseph, Josph, Josep, Jos, Joe 203 1.38
Sara, Sarah 169 1.15
Charles, Chas, Charlie 163 1.11
Julia 161 1.09
Daniel, Danl, Dan, etc. 138 0.94
Peter, Pete 126 0.85
Frank 105 0.71
All others (including none) 5365 36.39
TOTAL 14,743 100.01

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