1880 U.S. Census Summary - By Spelling

The predominant surname spelling is "FITZPATRICK" (92.97%). However, the FamilySearch data does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters (e.g. FitzPatrick versus Fitzpatrick). In most cases, the spelling variations can be attributed to the census taker rather than the family or individual.

Spelling Individuals Percent
Fitzpatrick 13706 92.97
Fitspatrick 558 3.78
Fitzpatric 298 2.02
Fitzpatrik 55 0.37
Fitspatric 43 0.29
Fitzpattrick 31 0.21
Fittspatrick 30 0.20
Fittzpatrick 9 0.06
Fittspatric 5 0.03
Fitespatrick 3 0.02
Fitspattrick 2 0.01
Fitzpactrick 2 0.01
Phitspatrick 1 0.01
TOTAL 14,743 99.98

Copyright 2002 Fitzpatrick Heritage Society, Inc. All rights reserved.