Carl Baehr, CG
8628 Glencoe Circle
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Family History Services:
Researching specific records as requested.
Researching the genealogy of a family.
Analyzing data and problem solving in family history research.

Milwaukee area civil vital records, probate, divorce, and other records.
Milwaukee area church vital records. Experienced researcher in Catholic sacramental records in Latin, German and Polish. Church records of baptism, birth, marriage, and burial (death) generally provide information for a period of about fifty years before civil records were required.
Cemetery records and tombstone reading.
Milwaukee City directories, as well as directories of suburban and surrounding communities.
Metro area newspapers and indexes.
Metro area municipal records and other records.

Milwaukee County Courthouse
Archives of public and academic libraries and historical societies throughout the Metro Milwaukee Area including Milwaukee Public Library, Milwaukee County Historical Society and others

$25 per hour (no charge for local travel and parking expenses).
Copy fees paid by client.

Certified Genealogist by the Board of Certification for Genealogists with over twenty years of experience.
Master's Degree in Library and Information Science with experience with the many non-traditional records available in the area.
Milwaukee Streets: The Stories Behind Their Names. Milwaukee: Cream City Press, 1995.
A Bibliography of Milwaukee City Maps, 1836-1935. Milwaukee: School of Library and Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1989.
"A History of Saint Frederick Parish." St. Frederick Catholic Church, Centennial Celebration 1896-1996 (1996): 5-22.
"Compiling a Bibliography of Milwaukee City Maps, 1836-1935." Bulletin, Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division. 159 (1990): 2-8.
"The Streets of St. Francis." Nojoshing Fall (1989) 7; Winter (1991) 2-4; Spring (1991) 2-4; Summer (1991) 2-4.

Board for Certification of Genealogists
Association of Professional Genealogists
National Genealogical Society
Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
Milwaukee County Historical Society
Wisconsin Historical Society
Irish Genealogical Society of Wisconsin
As a Certified Genealogist, I subscribe and adhere to the Board for Certification of Genealogists Code of Ethics and Conduct.

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